See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

Isaiah 43:19

Friday, 15 February 2013

17 Weeks and Counting...!

This week at work a student asked if I have a baby in my belly... Hands down best. moment. ever!

Mental health... Still good. Pretty amazing actually. Started to feel little movements from baby at 15 1/2 weeks, which was very unexpected as according to 'What to Expect' (my trusty pregnancy go-to book!) that is too early with first pregnancy! So a real treat!

I love being pregnant so much, and feel so blessed all the time... We've been struggling with church recently, and with decisions about our future - to move now or move later - but I am feeling a little closer to God this week which is a relief. I don't know why but I have struggled to feel close to Him while pregnant... I guess it's that thing that we need Him more in the darker times than when our prayers are answered, which isn't how it should be... Also, being pregnant - FINALLY! - has taken up 99.9% of my mental focus ;).

I seriously can't believe this worked - our treatment worked! It's a lot to adjust to! I've been living in one world for the last 5 1/2 years and now I get to inhabit a whole new one!!

Friday, 1 February 2013

15 Week Bump!

Yay!!! And belly has arrived!

Pilates... Best. thing. ever! (I bought 10 Minute Solution Prenatal Pilates and am alternating it with Erin O'Brien.) Helping my mental health loads! And apparently exercise in pregnancy makes baby smarter, labour (a little!) easier, and me less likely to get gestational diabetes... Which I am high risk for as Dad is type 1 and I have PCOS. So no downsides to exercise! Plus it's helping my back which has been a little sore... 

Generally loving life! 

(Can there be more exclamation marks in this post?!)

P.S. Telling my Grandad was AWESOME!