See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?

I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

Isaiah 43:19

Monday 16 July 2012

Anaemia and PMS

Today is day #11 of PMS symptoms. AAAAAAAAARRRGHHH pretty much sums it up!!

We received Provera (to help me have a period) in our box of medication goodies, but I was already PMS-ing by then so haven't taken it yet. I really don't want to take it as:
a) I'm going to be submitting my body to a lot of really harsh treatments over the next few months.
b) I always get side effects from drugs: if there are side effects to be had, I will have them.
c) If I'm getting a period anyway, taking pills to bring one on is a bit redundant.

I saw the GP this morning, and she was in agreement that I shouldn't take Provera.

Since stopping the Pill (September 2011), I have had three periods, and with each one, I have had PMS symptoms for around 2-3 weeks prior to bleed. (I was taking the Pill from early 2009, and before taking the Pill, I had PMS the night before my period, and that was it. However, in my 2 1/2 years on the Pill, I didn't have a single bleed - weird, huh! - so my theory is that is causing a lot of the craziness I have since coming off it.)

With these prolonged PMS attacks, I have been getting: sore back (on my tailbone), bad skin, swollen sore boobs, swollen tummy, and of course, lovely emotional symptoms like fatigue, emotional instability (tears!), irritability, depression, increased anxiety.

However, as my health hasn't been great the past 3 months or so, and I have been feeling really fatigued and life seems to be draining me much more than it was, I wondered if something else was underneath. Lo and behold, I have anaemia! Good to put a face to the enemy; hubby is picking up iron tablets today. (Anaemia showed up in bloodwork I had done a couple of weeks ago; had the results this morning.)

While I am so very, very keen to come 'on', and have been feeling so miserable for the past week, I also realised this morning that I am once again impatient, trying to rush ahead, and am not trusting that, as it says in Romans 8:28: "in all things God works for the good of those who love him".

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